A new cycle shop has opened in Caerphilly town centre.

BikeShredz, which is located in Clive Street and run by keen cyclist Nick Ball who was always fascinated with cycling, not only riding bikes but also repairing them.


(pictured Nick Ball)

After leaving school he pursued a career as an engineer and toolmaker but when he was made redundant again in April, Nick took the opportunity to pursue his dream of turning his love of cycling into a business.


BikeShredz not only sells bikes, but it also has a fully equipped workshop to conduct repairs and stocks a comprehensive range of parts and accessories.

Nick said:

When I got made redundant it felt like I had the chance to do something I really wanted to do. I have used my experience in cycling to start BikeShredz because I wanted to offer people a complete service from sales to repair.


(pictured Andrew Cook)


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