Free Courses listed on Business Wales

Did you know that there are a number of FREE useful courses available to Businesses and Social Enterprises?

They cover a wide variety of topics from “How to tender “ through  to “An introduction to recruitment”, they are held all over South East Wales in easily accessible venues.

Check out the link today and book your organisation on before Christmas.

They are also a great opportunity for you to meet and network with other businesses.

Help and support from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) about being an employer

There are useful webinars and videos coming in November.
Live webinars last for an hour. You can ask questions during the presentation and get answers from the HMRC host.
Register and log in at least 5 minutes before the start time for live webinars.

Aged 13 – 30 Years old got a great Business Idea

…then check out Princes Trust.

If you’re aged 18-30, living in the UK, and unemployed or working fewer than 16 hours a week and have a business idea or some ideas to explore, then we can help with the rest.

From beauticians and barbers to digital agencies and dog groomers, we can help you to transform your idea into a watertight business plan, as well as support you with a fantastic package of training and funding.

You’ll also get to meet other like-minded people and be able to tap into the expertise of an experienced business mentor who will be on hand to provide you with advice every step of the way – for up to two years.

This really could be you!