The LoveCaerphilly community project is expanding into a vacant café situated next door to its current premises at the top of Cardiff Road. The LoveCaerphilly Family Coffee House is scheduled to open on Valentines Day (14th February) and is the latest phase of the outreach project which works with local families to provide help and support running groups and courses including: Parent and Baby Groups, Parent and Toddler Groups, Kids Clubs and Finance Management / Healthy Living courses.

Love Caerphilly photo


Project Manager Jeremy Davey said:

“The new coffee house will support our groups and courses; our aim is to provide the people we are supporting with the very best facilities at the heart of their community. This is an exciting time for LoveCaerphilly as we build on a hugely successful first year and begin to expand the project”

For more information go to the projects Facebook page

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