A young artist Dafydd Williams is staging a new exhibition in Blackwood Miners Institute in Blackwood town centre over the next few weeks. Entitled “We Are Ghosts” the exhibition comprises of a series of photo’s which aims to highlight and help preserve the architectural beauty of South East Wales.

Architects working in the valleys in the late 19th and early 20th century drew their inspiration from the great European cities and sought to create miniature versions of buildings from Vienna, Paris and London. Blackwood Miners’ Institute is the third and final destination of the exhibition which has been organised thanks to funding from the Arts Council of Wales. “We are Ghosts” is open to the public until the end of March.

Dafydd Williams said:
I really wanted to draw people’s attention to the architectural heritage of the area and so used black and white images. Each photo only shows the tops halves or details of the buildings so that the contemporary context doesn’t detract from the architecture.