This weekend, Caerphilly welcomes thousands of visitors for its annual BIG Cheese event. As well as enjoying the funfair the council’s Town Centre Management team are urging people to top up their collection of Pokémon by searching Caerphilly town centre for ‘Pokestops’ and ‘Pokémon Gyms’.

The new game, which is played on smart phones, uses mapping technology to show players where they can find ‘Pokestops’ and ‘Pokémon Gyms’ at famous landmarks and Caerphilly town centre is full of great places for Pokémon to hide.
Here are some landmarks in the town where you could try looking for Pokémon!
Starting at the BIG Cheese site:
- Park Gates – Owain Glyndwr Playing Fields
- Information Point – Dafydd Williams Park
- Druid Circle – Dafydd Williams Park
- Caerphilly Castle – Bronze Information Point (Opposite the Visitor Centre)
- Tommy Cooper Statue
- St Fagan’s Gate – St Fagan Street
- Green Lady Street Art – Pentrebane Street
- St Martins Church
The council is also keen to remind people that they should always ensure they play Pokémon Go safely, and pay particular attention to traffic.
Photo by Yoshikazu TAKADA modified, overlaying over town centre locations.
Choose The High Street
The ‘Choose the High Street’ brand has been developed by Caerphilly County Borough Council’s Town Centre Management team to promote local managed town centres.